Lately I’ve been hearing James Brown’s sultry voice singing this song in my head. After the 2014 InfoComm show many people wrote blogs regarding women in the audio visual industry. Some of the pieces were controversial regarding the use of female models at booths, which brought out others that talked about the difficulties and challenges of being females in a predominately male industry. Here is my honest outlook on the models in booths: I’m not that offended or even really bothered by the use of beautiful half clothed women in booths to attract attention.
It can be a little annoying and maybe uncomfortable at times, but luckily the InfoComm show is very professional for the most part. The “sex sells” campaigns are not completely rampant. I really don’t think the few booths using these methods here and there are that big of a deal. In fact, I almost feel that the people making a big stink of it are a.) Giving even more unwanted attention to those using the “attention grabbing” tactics and b.) Giving the impression that women in our industry seem like we need some sort of protection, or that our intelligence can’t compete with some cute girl in a short skirt! I know those folks out there blogging about this subject didn’t have those intentions, and I do appreciate the concern, but something that is more troubling to me is the gender gap in our industry...
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